What Makes Us Different?

J.A. Murphy Group is results-driven. We leverage our expertise in real estate development and project management to complete properties on time. We stabilize the projects by leasing the units quickly and efficiently. We then determine whether to sell or continue to manage the developments, generating attractive returns for our corporate and individual investors.

Our process is proven and precise. We are transparent with our partners. It’s a win-win-win — for tenants, debt partners, and investors. During the last 30 years, Principal and CEO John Murphy has developed more than 30 properties worth over five hundred million dollars.

What We Do

J.A. Murphy Group develops high-end multifamily properties to meet the exploding demand of Millennials from Gen Z to Baby Boomers. We offer our partners the opportunity to participate in our projects. J.A. Murphy Group has deep industry knowledge from nearly 40 years of real estate development, thriving through two recessions, combined with demonstrated wealth management expertise. It’s a potent combination that generates attractive returns for our channel partners.

We perform a thorough due-diligence, evaluating potential projects via market research, financial analysis, onsite visits and economic projections in order to mitigate risk. In short, we do our homework.

J.A. Murphy Group takes a hands-on approach to owning and operating multifamily communities from breaking ground to stabilization.


Real Estate Development and Investment

Experience and integrity make J.A. Murphy Group the right choice. We’re selective in the projects we choose to undertake and the partners with whom we build relationships. Our vertically integrated business model creates efficiencies in our process. Our longstanding industry relationships allow us to leverage the upside potential of our properties across our geographic footprint.